CY anti-submarine rocket/missile


Date:2022-03-26 Source:wiki By:wiki Viewed:

CY-1 anti-submarine rocket
The CY-1 (Chang Ying 长樱, Long Tassel, often erronesously referred as Chian Yu, 劍魚, or Swordfish) is a Chinese anti-submarine rocket carried on a variety of surface platforms, including the Luda class missile destroyers and Jiangwei class missile frigates. To date only a small number of CY-1 is known to have been produced and deployed on trial basis, despite the fact that it had first appeared on the defense exhibitions held in China in the late 1980s.
“长樱一号”(CY-1,Chang Ying 长樱, Long Tassel,通常被错误地称为Chian-Yu,劍魚, 或“箭鱼”)是一种中国反潜火箭,搭载在各种水面平台上,包括“旅大”级导弹驱逐舰和“江卫”级导弹护卫舰。迄今为止,已知只有少量CY-1在试验基础上生产和部署,尽管它首次出现在20世纪80年代末在中国举行的国防展览上。

The CY-1 is believed to similar in operation to the U.S. Navy ASROC. There is little information available regarding the development history, performance, and exact status of the missile, but it is understood that a few of the missiles were deployed on the PLA Navy Type 051 (Luda class) destroyers and Type 052H2G (Jiangwei-I class) frigates.The CY-1 is basically an anti-submarine torpedo of either the ET52 or Yu-7 class, delivered by a ballistic rocket. The delivery vehicle features four small stabilising fins and four control surfaces, and is powered by a solid-fuel rocket motor. The maximum range claimed by the developer was 10 nautical miles (or 18 km).
“长樱一号”(CY-1)被认为与美国海军阿斯洛克反潜火箭(ASROC)类似。关于导弹的发展历史、性能和确切状态的信息很少,但据了解,有少数导弹部署在解放军海军051型(旅大级)驱逐舰和052H2G型(江卫-I级)护卫舰。CY-1基本上是ET52或“鱼-7型” 级的反潜鱼雷,由弹道火箭发射。运载工具装有四个小型稳定鳍和四个控制面,并由固体燃料火箭发动机提供动力。开发商声称的最大航程为10海里(或18公里)。
Based on the limited information released by the manufacturers as well as the Chinese own claim, the CY-1 is not an ASW missile as it is often referred, because one of the requirement for missile is to have guidance in its flight, and this is exactly what CY-1 lacks. The missile is fired into the general direction of the target submarine as an unguided rocket, and the guidance does not kick in until after the payload, namely, the torpedo has entered water. As a result, the official Chinese term of Rocket propelled (ASW) torpedo is a much more accurate description for this weapon. When the payload is a depth charge instead of the torpedo, the weapon is referred as (long range) ASW rocket.
Though originally tested onboard Luda class missile destroyers and Jiangwei class missile frigates, the CY-1 can be carried by any surface combatant with C-801/802/803 launchers, from which the CY-1 can be launched, thus increasing the versatility and reducing the cost. In addition, a version is further modified so that it can be launched from torpedo tubes of submarines like the C-801, but there is not any confirmation that this version has entered the service. In an effort to boost possible export, the CY-1 has also been modified to carrying a various range of light torpedoes, such as that of USA, Italy, and Russian. However, there is no known export as of 2007.
The CY-1 is also known to have been tested on the Type 039 submarine.
CY-2 anti-submarine missile
CY-2 (长樱-2) is a development of CY-1, and it is based on C-802 missile, sharing the same turbo jet engine. The missile is in limited service in Chinese navy after numerous tests, the last of which was the test of the air-launched version, which was successfully completed by Harbin SH-5 in 1994. The major improvement is the range of this weapon is tripled to 30 nautical miles (56 km), but the speed is reduced to subsonic level from the 1.5 Mach of CY-1. Just like the way CY-1 can be stored and launched from the container/launcher of C-801, CY-2 can be stored and launched from the container/launcher of C-802. The publicized data for CY-2 includes:
“长樱二号”(CY-2) 是“长樱一号”(CY-1)的发展,基于C-802导弹,共享同一种涡轮喷气发动机。经过多次试验后,该导弹在中国海军有限数量服役,最后一次试验是空射型的试验,哈尔滨SH-5于1994年成功完成。主要的改进是,这种武器的射程增加了三倍,达到30海里(56公里),但速度从CY-1的1.5马赫降至亚音速。就像CY-1可以从C-801的容器/发射器中存储和发射一样,CY-2也可以从C-802的容器/发射器中存储和发射。CY-2的公开数据包括:
Diameter: 36 cm
Wingspan: 118 cm
Weight: 610 kg
Speed: Mach 0.9
Length: 450 cm
Range: 55 km
弹径:36 厘米
翼展:118 厘米
重量:610 公斤
速度:0.9 马赫
弹长:450 厘米
Although a development of CY-1, CY-2 is not exactly the replacement of CY-1 and the two are used concurrently by the Chinese navy. One of the reason is that due to space limitation, most of the light surface combatants of the Chinese navy cannot accommodate the large complex sonars on board larger warships. The range of smaller sonars on these light surface combatants of in Chinese navy is less than that of CY-2, and thus the longer range of CY-2 can not be fully exploited if it is on board these smaller surface combatants. As a result, CY-1 remains on board submarine chasers where rocket propelled ASW torpedoes (or ASW rockets) are deployed, while CY-2 is often deployed on larger warships. Another reason for keep CY-1 in the inventory is that CY-1 can be put away and stored like a log without maintenance for sometime, but CY-2 requires periodically maintenance in storage.
虽然是“长樱一号”(CY-1)的发展,但“长樱二号”(CY-2)并不完全是CY-1的替代品,两者同时被中国海军使用。原因之一是由于空间限制,中国海军的大多数轻型水面战舰无法容纳大型军舰上的大型复杂声纳。中国海军在这些轻型水面战舰上的小型声纳的作用距离比CY-2小,因此CY-2在这些小型水面战舰上的射程远不能得到充分利用。因此,CY-1仍留在猎潜艇上,其中部署了火箭推进的反潜鱼雷(或反潜火箭),而 CY-2通常部署在更大的军舰上。将CY-1保留在库存中的另一个原因是CY-1可以像日志一样存放一段时间而无需维护,但CY-2需要定期维护存储。
Just like CY-1, CY-2 is also frequently but erroneously referred as an ASW missile, while in reality it is not, because there is not any guidance at the stage of aerial flight. Developer has claimed that CY-2 can also be armed with a depth charge instead of a lightweight torpedo, but there is no indication of such version has ever entered Chinese service. There are claims of CY-2 being test fired by Chinese submarines, but there is no confirmation that CY-2 has been deployed on Chinese submarines due to lack of information.
CY-3 anti-submarine missile
The latest member of Chinese CY-series ASW weaponry is CY-3 (长樱-3), which is a development of CY-2. Like CY-2, CY-3 can be launched from a variety of platforms, including aircraft, surface ships, submarines, land vehicles, and coastal shore batteries. However, despite the successful completion of the development and receiving state certification for service, only very limited number are in service with Chinese navy, mostly for long term evaluation purposes. CY-3 is facing stiff competition from another Chinese missile CJ-1, which is also under Chinese naval evaluation, and the final selection has not been decided yet.
CY-3 is basically a CY-2 with one-way data link added, so that targeting information can be received from platforms such as aircraft and surface ships. This is considered helpful when targeting information is changed after the weapon is launched, as in the case of the targeting information being updated: Several attack plans are pre-programmed in the computer on board the torpedo carried by the weapon, and when target update occurs, the new information is passed on the weapon, so that the torpedo carried can switch to the best attack plan from the original one selected prior to the update.
CY-4 is a modified CY-1 to enable it to also carry larger and heavier Russian APR-3E torpedo, and it can be carried by light ASW helicopters such as Harbin Z-9. Although official Chinese governmental sources have not explicitly identified the CY-4 designation, military enthusiasts and analysts have concluded that the missile is CY-4 instead of CY-2 or CY-3, because none of the photos of the missile shown has any inlets, which is the characteristic of turbojet engine that powers CY-2/3. The motors are solid rockets which power CY-1/4. CY-4 became operational in late 2009.
CY-5 is the vertically launched version of CY-4 with folding control surfaces to fit into VLS. The range is reported to be 30 km. The existence of CY-5 type weapon was first officially revealed in 2012 when Type 054A frigate was opened to public in Hong Kong, when the governmental explanation described the modular VLS at the bow of the ship can launch both air defense missiles and rocket propelled ASW torpedoes armed with various Chinese and western torpedoes.[5] However, the exact designation of the rocket propelled ASW torpedo was not revealed. Because CY series was also first intended for export and armed with torpedoes of western origin, CY-5 is thus also most likely armed with Chinese Y-7, or other western light torpedoes such as A244-S. CY-5 is reportedly also deployed onboard Type 052D destroyer.

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